Patron notices are available each morning to be printed from the notices webpage. You can log in with your library's van code and password. (Please call the OWLS office if you don't know the password.) The notices will remain on that page for one week before being automatically deleted.
Notices include:
- Hold pickup notices (Generated every day. If you mail these, print Sat -Mon notices on Monday)
- Notice comes from the pickup branch
- Hold cancellation notices (Generated M-F each day open)
- Notice comes from the patron's preferred branch
- Overdue notices (Generated M-F each day open)
- Notice comes from the patron's preferred branch
- Bills (Generated as items enter billing cycle)
- Notice comes from the owning library
Many libraries choose not to mail some or all notices. Feel free to follow your local procedures. OWLS recommends that all libraries print and mail bills, once they've verified the price using the Search Shelves Before Billing Report.
Notices should be printed once a day.
Notice Schedule:
-1 day: Courtesy Notice sent (email and text notice only)
3 days: 1st Overdue Notice sent
6 days: 2nd Overdue Notice sent
21 days: Search Shelves posted
28 days: Bills posted
45 days: Selected patrons sent to collections