Who to Call
OWLS Libraries Tech Support
Using the CatHelp list is the best way to contact the cataloging department. You can also contact John or Debbie.
Computer/CARL Hardware
Contact Julie | email | (920-832-6369) for:
- New computers - - selection, installation, and configuration
- Minimum Recommended Computer Specifications (2023):
- Core i5 Processor
- 8GB of RAM
- 256GB SSD (Solid State Drive)
- 5-Year Warranty
- Minimum Recommended Computer Specifications (2023):
- Computer Donations - Used computer donations are not encouraged. Please talk to your PC Support Staff before considering new computer donations.
- Printers - selection, installation, and configuration
- Peer-to-peer networking
- Troubleshooting (Contact Joe or Bryan if Julie is not available)
CARL Peripheral Hardware
See the CARL Peripheral Hardware Order page for additional information.
- Barcode scanner orders & troubleshooting (Joe can also help)
- Receipt printer orders & troubleshooting (Joe can also help)
- Spine Label troubleshooting (Joe can also help)
- Signature Capture device orders (OWLSnet Help for troubleshooting and repair)
- Installation
Computer Software
Contact Julie | email | (920) 832-6369 for:
- Deep Freeze
- ESET Antivirus
- Internet Explorer/Mozilla Firefox
- Mozilla Thunderbird
- Microsoft Windows
- Public Web Browser / Catalog Stations
- New Accounts, Cancel Accounts, Amend Accounts: Use OWLSnet Email Account Request Form
- Passwords: Contact Julie
- Software (Outlook Client): Contact Julie | email | 920-832-6369 | for software installation or troubleshooting
- Email is down: Email OWLSnet Help or call the front desk 920-832-6190
Microsoft Office
Email OWLSnet Help
Network Infrastructure
Contact Bryan | email | (920-832-6193) for:
Any network issues, including troubleshooting, data circuits, network hardware (routers, hubs, terminal servers), wireless.
Please note:
- New Connections: Policy requires that OWLS or NFLS approve any new connections
- Cabling: Libraries are responsible; contact Bryan for specifications
CARL/InfoSoup Stuff
If you have questions related to InfoSoup or CARL, you can always use the OWLSnet Help List or the Cathelp list for Catalog related issues.
Contact Jean | email | (920) 570-0126 for:
- Circulation
- Holds
- Offline Circulation
- Weeding
- Patron Registration
- Reports (Custom statistical, weeding, or patron reports)
email OWLSnet Help | (920)-832-6365
- Closed days
- Inventory
- Notices
- Reports (Standard & weeding) - reports generated by OWLS and emailed by OWLS
- Offline Circ - or Contact Molly
OWLSnet Help List
Please use the owlsnet help list to report any non cataloging related question, problems or issues with CARL, InfoSoup, wireless & internet issues, SAM, reports, statistics etc...
CatHelp List
Please use the CatHelp List -- cathelp@owlsweb.org to contact the Catalogers with any issue relating to catalog training, fixing or updating bibliographic, volume & enumeration on item records in CARL, or for questions about OCLC Record Manager.
Examples include:
- Cataloging Training
- Updating Bibliographic Records
- Changing Material/Format Type
- Reporting Bibliographic Errors
- Wrong Cover Images and/or Summaries
- Vendor Records
- Update or Correct Series Information
- Volume Records
- Magazines
Contact Amanda | email | (920) 832-6194
- General InfoSoup Web OPAC questions
Web Sites and Electronic Resources
Contact Chad | email | (920) 832-4607 for:
- All OWLS web site and Drupal questions
Contact Amanda | email | (920) 832-6194 for:
- InfoSoup Memory Project
- All electronic resources, including OverDrive, Ancestry, Tumblebooks, NoveList, and BadgerLink resources
If OWLSnet staff not available:
- Badgerlink Resources: Contact BadgerLink
- EBSCO Resources (after hours, last resort): Contact EBSCO -- let them know we are a BadgerLink Library, account listed as NFLS/OWLS (INFOSOUP LIBRARIES)